Then What?

“Project Felabposterar” is nothing new. A few elections back it was thought that this poster would be enough to scare people off voting for independence (or at that time it would be more accurate to say voting for the SNP).


As we can see, there was some fairly good answers to the little question they posed written onto the posters themselves.

Now that the stakes are a little higher, with the magic of photoshop (well GIMP – it’s freeware) I’ve cut the graffiti off to give you the chance to make your own.

I think there could be a lot of good answers. Short and pithy as fine. Or try a paragraph too.

Either download the photo and make your own or tell me what you want on it and I’ll make it up for you and post it.


UPDATE  – Some of the submissions so far are on the continuation page if you click Continue Reading…

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  1. My effort

    Let’s dance
    A better co-efficient
    Scotland joins the world
    GIRUY Cameron
    The happiest people on the planet

  2. And then what – A country that does not see the poor and vulnerable as an easy target. A future that Scotland can decide for itself. The basic human right which is to have the government which you vote for!!

  3. Rather brilliant of Labour’s campaign designers to ask a rhetorical question and leave a nice, big, convenient white space for the subversives to exercise their spray-cans.

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